iHOPE Empowers

Running from Islam to Jesus: Nadalla's Story

Episode Summary

Nadalla grew up in a large devout Muslim family in Syria. His father was an influential Islamic leader with multiple wives and children. As the eldest son, Nadalla would receive a great inheritance. But God had other plans. Through a series of stunning events, Nadalla overheard two people discussing Jesus. It left him seeking the Truth, then running for his life. Nadalla’s dramatic testimony will remind you anew that following Jesus is worth it all and give you a fresh perspective about the differences between Islam and Christianity.

Episode Notes

Nadalla grew up in a large devout Muslim family in Syria. His father was an influential Islamic leader with multiple wives and children. As the eldest son, Nadalla would receive a great inheritance. But God had other plans. Through a series of stunning events, Nadalla overheard two people discussing Jesus. It left him seeking the Truth, then running for his life. Nadalla’s dramatic testimony will remind you anew that following Jesus is worth it all and give you a fresh perspective about the differences between Islam and Christianity.


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Episode Transcription


Have you ever held back from sharing your faith, especially with people of other faiths and cultures? Welcome to the iHOPE Empowers Podcast. I'm your host Renod Bejjani and here's a fresh dose of inspiration and road-tested principles that will embolden you to share Jesus with Muslims and other non-believers.

You're going to love today's guests and his amazing testimony of how God saved him. His story should serve as a warning to what can happen to our nation if Christians don't obediently share Jesus with Muslims and other non-believers that God brought here. But his story will also inspire you to be Jesus' witnesses right here, where you live. So let's get started. Today's guests, Nada Lla was born and raised in Syria. Now Syria is a war-torn Islamic nation. Where sharing Jesus or accepting Him as Lord and Savior can result in death. But Syria used to be predominantly a Christian nation. It began with a few persecuted believers in the first century AD and we read in Acts chapter nine, that Saul was on his way to Damascus Syria, to persecute believers that were already there. But listen to what happens in Acts 9:3-4. Now, as he went on his way, he approached Damascus, and suddenly a light from heaven shown around him and falling to the ground. He heard a voice saying to him, Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me? Saul became a believer and then referred to as the apostle Paul for the rest of the New Testament. He was discipled in Damascus and began preaching the gospel there. And then in Acts chapter eleven beginning with verse 19, we see the birth of the Church in Antioch, which was part of the Northern part of Syria back then, and Christianity spread from there. Now similar elements of the story of Paul's conversion happened to our guests today and led Nada Lla to become a follower of Jesus. But Nada Lla before we get into these fascinating parts of your testimony. let's begin with your childhood, which will give us insights into life in an Islamic family, in an Islamic nation. So let's begin with your family. Now, your family was not what we expect to find here in a non-Islamic nation, is it? Please tell us about your family Nada Lla. Let's start with your father.

Nada Lla:

My father, he's a second businessman in our area or in our city. And he's a powerful man because he's an Islamic leader and he's a leader of Arabic group. He's a leader for 450,000 people with Arabic. We call Ashira. It just means a group of Arab people.


Wow! Okay. So when you say he was a second businessman, what do you mean by that? I assume is that he was the second wealthiest or second most powerful. Is that what you mean?

Nada Lla:

He's the first powerful, but he's the second in wealth.


Second in wealth. Tell us about your mom. Was she your dad's only wife?

Nada Lla:

Okay. My dad had three wives. My mom is the first wife for my dad. And after that he has, after 10 years, marriage, you have a second wife and after three months married for the second wife, he has the third wife.


Wow! So you were born into a family that eventually had three moms or three wives in the house?

Nada Lla:

Yeah, three wives in the house and 18 siblings I have like 17 with me 18. We are 18 children.


You know, that's strange for us to think of that here in a Christian nation or a non-Islamic nation. So what was your parents' plan for your life? Because you were sort of a little bit special. So tell us about that and what made you special and what was their plan for your life?

Nada Lla:

Honestly, before I come into this world because my father is rich and he is a Muslim leader. He decided with my mom, the third male in our family, he will be the next leader. We will give him training. We send them to an Islamic school and we will give him all the keys secrets for the leadership and he will be the leader for our Arabic group and our Muslim nation in our area.


Wow! So those are some big plans. So now how did your Islamic training start and what age and what was that like?

Nada Lla:

Honestly, I went to the Mosque when I was three years old because every Muslim male, you have to go to this training to learn about Sharia Attalla to learn about that good and drawing in Islam to learn how can he read? Because at age six in Islam, they start to count the good words and bad words for the Muslim males.


Wow! okay, so for the listener Sharia Attalla means you are referring to Sharia Law. You had to learn Sharia Law starting at age three. And you learned that between age three and six?

Nada Lla:



Wow! So you were probably already becoming an attorney three years of law school, but it was Islamic law. All right, so after that, you went to public school for about a year. Is that right?

Nada Lla:

Yeah. I went to public school. For a year after that, I moved to an Islamic school.


Okay! So my understanding is that during that one year in the public school, you accidentally heard the Gospel not directly but indirectly. So how did that happen? Tell us.

Nada Lla :

Yeah, because we are in a small village and my cousin, two cousins, went to the city to study at the high school. In the city, there are some Christians. One of my cousins, was sick and he came home and the other one, he stays at school and he came the next day because it was a Holiday. He told them, listen, don't speak with this Armenian guy. He asked him why? he said, because he's, he's a Christian. And he said that Jesus Christ He is risen from the grave. This is a shame. And I was like, just six years old. And I'm asking, Hey, did God He die? Is Jesus Christ He's God? And he said, hey, get out from here. And I went home to ask my mom why Jesus Christ is risen from the grave. It came to my mind to always ask him why Jesus Christ he's risen from the grave. Even when I went to the public school for one year, I was asking the teachers, the nurse, everyone. I see it in the school. Why Jesus Christ He is risen from the grave? For that my family decided after one year in public school to send me to an Islamic school, to start getting my training.


So you heard the Gospel, second hand. In other words, somebody telling you not to listen to this guy who is sharing that Jesus is Lord, and he was risen from the grave after being crucified. So crazy to think that way, but then God used that, and then you started asking questions about how could Jesus be risen from the dead and that got you out of public school and into the real Islamic school, sort of like seminary for young people, but Islamic seminary. So tell us about Islamic schools. And how was that? As you said, you went to an Islamic school between ages 7 and 13. Tell us what was that like?

Nada Lla:

Islamic school for me, like a prison or a jail, and I went there from age 7 to 13. We sleep in school for nine months and we go home for three months and it was the dark part of my life because I learned something I didn't believe, but I have to learn. I learned Sharia Attalla I learned the Quran and the explanation of the Quran I learned, how I call the people to prayer? It is named Adhan in Islam, it is mean the call to prayer, five times a day. I learned how can I start Imam or a little Imam. Because I'm leading the people during the Islamic prayer. And I learned that Islamic history. And honestly, because we learned how they kill people or how they shared Islam. I had some psychological problems because I wake up at the night. I see this dream as a movie and I cannot back to sleep for three to four hours and I back to sleep as an afraid young boy,


What you mean by a psychological problem is that you felt that you were going crazy by having all of these nightmares disturbing you because of the things you had learned.

Nada Lla:

Exactly. This is what I felt.


So after you finished Islamic training school, what was your role in the Mosque as a 13-year-old?

Nada Lla:

Honestly, my father, built the Mosque because he built his dream. I will be the leader and I will be the leader for this Mosque. He spent more than 300,000 American dollars to build this Mosque and I came to this Mosque to start leading the people in prayer. To start calling to prayer is the name in Arabic or Muslim people. They say Adhan means a call to prayer. Even I lead the people in praying five times a day and I just made like four or five times. It is called and Jum'ah Friday prayer. It is called Jum'ah, but it means preaching in Friday prayer.


At age 13 on Fridays, you were preaching the sermon that here as Christians, we would expect to hear a pastor or a preacher preach on a Sunday. So here you are, you are faithfully doing your role, but you felt it was a very dark period in your life and that you were having nightmares. It just didn't sound good. But tell us what happened next. That changed your life.

Nada Lla:

Yeah after being in my home for about three months, I start hearing a soft, great voice. And for three months He told me Nada Lla go to Lebanon. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night to see who's talking with me? Who's talking inside my ears and told me Nada Lla go to Lebanon! And I thought someone joking with me. I go on the roof is spending all night. There's no one. I still wake up all night to see someone joking with me. There is no one, but when I sleep in the day with 17 brothers and sisters and noisy and three moms in the home cleaning the home, I hear the voice is very clear. Nada Lla goes to Lebanon.


So noise or no noise. Day or night. You just kept hearing this noise this whisper in your ear saying go to Lebanon.

Nada Lla:



Wow! And how did that make you feel?

Nada Lla:

Honestly, I feel I'm crazy, especially I got the next step to make money from my father and to go to Lebanon.


So how old were you when you went to Lebanon?

Nada Lla:

14 years old.


14 years old. Wow! Okay, well, in Lebanon at first, you were distracted from seeking answers about Jesus or this voice why it kept telling you to go to Lebanon. At first, you were distracted from seeking answers about Jesus or why the voice told you to go there. Instead, you lived the wild party life, probably because Lebanon, it's a much freer country than Syria. And the people in Lebanon can have a wild party life. So what happened in that few years? How did you feel as you were pursuing this wild party life?

Nada Lla:

From the first day? I didn't hear that the voice that came before and I said, okay, I'm crazy 100% because I'm a teenager. And I came, from out the box and from my family, no one can say, oh, you do that shame and that shame. I thought I have freedom and I want to go with the girls and have some drinks. I got some cigarettes, some other smoking, and I felt this is the party life, or this is the freedom life.


And how did that make you feel? I mean, my understanding is you did not find satisfaction in that life.

Nada Lla:

Exactly! Every day and every night, I feel there is some depression. I feel there is some problem. There is some dark place in my heart. I want to fill this place, have a business, and with a good life, but I don't know how can I do that?


So tell us what happened next that brought you back to seeking answers for why the voice told you to go to Lebanon or seeking answers about Jesus. What happened?

Nada Lla:

On August 20, 2008, I want to buy juice with my cousin and we just find a piece of paper on the floor and he said, I bought this paper. He lifted for me. And he said, listen, I will not give to this paper If you do not buy for me a bottle of juice. I bought the bottle of juice for him. I bought a napkin box to clean this paper because many people, they walking on this paper. After I'm cleaning it I said, Oh! , now I'm crazy. Because first I heard the voice and I came to Lebanon. Now I bought a piece of paper, just cost 25 cents. And I bought this paper and almost $7 now. And I'm cleaning that. And I start reading this paper. There is a testimony for a man who is Lebanese/Palestinian he's an engineer. And he says, Jesus Christ, He changed his life from a Muslim life to be Christian. And he talking about the blessing and the Gospel and how the Lord changed him. He was in a wheelchair and now he can walk. He can practice his life as normal, like any person, but at the bottom of this paper, he said, the Lord, Jesus Christ. He will bless your life. I take this paper, I throw it out. And I said I don't need that because I know I need some Messiah and Islam. Now it is called Jesus Messiah or ESR in Arabic, or there is Moses for the Jews. There's is Abram and there's a prophet Muhammad for the Muslim people. And I say, this does not make sense, God, or Allah in Arabic. He has many prophets and He has many ways to call the people. And I just said, God, you are stupid, you don't know what you do. And you just need the people to do your work. Because of this dark place in my heart, they didn't give me to feel like, oh, I want to go to Jesus. Or I want to change my life. But I continue with my life or my party life or what I thought it is freedom. In about 10 days August 31 after 10 or 11 days later, when I got the paper, August 31st, 2008, I back home with lots of depression, with lots of sadness. And I locked my bedroom door and the window. And I feel like I'm not good. But the first time I came, I buried my head on my bed and I said Lord, it was you that created heaven and earth. It doesn't matter what is your name? Doesn't matter who you are. I want to know you if you are alive, but I cannot believe you are the God of Islam. I can't believe you are the God I learned about him in the Islamic school. And this time it was 2:30 AM. My bedroom door is closed. The window is closed. It is a man with His face, in light. And it is a strong light, but it didn't, they didn't hurt the eyes. And he said, Nada Lla, I'm the way and the truth and the life. And I took His hand and He took my hand and after 15 seconds He's gone. But He took with him, many heavyweights from my shoulders. And I feel I'm light. I want to sleep from 2:30 AM till the next day at 3:00 PM. And when I wake up, I feel I'm light. I'm not like every day I open the window. Oh, the building is different. Nature is different. The people are different. Did I have new eyes? Did I have a new mind? I don't know what happened, but I know there is something changed and I'm light. Not like every day. Usually, I wake up in the morning, making my Arabic coffee, strong Arabic coffee, taking a cigarette, following the goals, and getting ready to go to work. But this day I'm different, but why I'm different? I didn't know that


So here you were out in the city, you're just going on with life. You find a piece of paper with testimony on it and you felt compelled to read it. And after 10 days of reading this testimony of this Muslim, that came to faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, it just confused you and you felt angry at God and depressed and confused. Then maybe God is crazy. But during that period of time, it led you to the point where one night you had this vision and this person in the vision spoke with you and said, I am the way the truth and the life. You felt at peace after that, you slept well that night. And all of a sudden, the next day, it's like your life changed, but you still did not know who this man was in the vision. Did you?

Nada Lla:

No, I didn't know who is this man he came, or why He told me that and I got my laptop searching this was the way the truth of life. And I find a Christian website and there is a box for a chat and someone, said, this is Jesus Christ! Man can I find Him in the Quran? Because I'm a Muslim. He said, no, this is Jesus Christ. Listen, I'm a Muslim. I grew up. I grew up in an Islamic family. He said this is Jesus Christ. Not for just the Christian or Jewish, He's for all nations. Okay. Where can I find him? He says in the New Testament, in the gospel. Okay. How can I read the gospel? Because I just have the Quran, can I find Him in the Quran? No! and he sent me a link and I don't know the New Testament and I start reading Matthew, Luke Mark, John, John chapter 14, verse 6. When He said, I'm the way the truth and the life. I just raised my hand. I said, Lord, I'm yours. Whatever happened in my life. I'm yours. They're going to have to kill me they say my blood is free, whatever happened, Lord, I'm yours because you are the only one. He changed my life from sadness to happiness He took the heavyweights from my shoulders who give light to the dark place in my heart. And I'm yours. Lord, I went back to speak with this man. I said, listen, I find Jesus Christ in the Gospel. And he said that's great to give your heart to the Lord Jesus Christ.


Wonderful! so you get a Bible through a connection, online, a discussion with a guy online, a Christian man, you download the Bible, you start reading the Bible and then suddenly you get to that verse in John 14, where Jesus is saying, I am the way, the truth, and the life. And that at that moment you realized what that vision was, that it was Jesus calling you, holding your hand. So at that moment, you surrender to Him. But describe that feeling for the listener in that moment. When you first read that verse and realize that it was Jesus that had been calling you all along.

Nada Lla:

This time, I realized this is Jesus Christ, and I will give my life to Him. And I called the man and I said, listen, now I believe that Jesus Christ has changed my life. He said he changed your life. I said! He changed my life because today I'm a different person. Not like yesterday. Usually, I wake up. I want the cigarette, the coffee, talking with girls. But today, nothing from this way, I didn't feel, I want to talk with this girl because we had the bad things before or sinful life in my mind is changed. My thought has changed. My talking even change. Even the people who lived with me, it is my cousin. They asked me, Nada Lla are you sick? What happened to you why you look different? why you didn't talk like yesterday? Why everything we see different? Even in my heart, I feel the change in my heart because I feel like I'm comfortable going to God now, if somebody came and you kill me, I have no problem going. Because before always I'm afraid of I gonna die in where I gonna go. But now for no reason, I feel I'm okay if I going to die and I will be with the Lord.


So that's just amazing! So your life changed right away. You stopped pursuing girls. So now instead of calling girls. You were calling on the Lord, Jesus and everything changed. Your appearance changed. You looked changed your behavior changed? So God transformed your life. But now what I want to explore with you, this mentality, because we here as a Christian, the listener might not be aware of why would you be thinking about now? If they kill you, you are okay. You are willing to die. Why were you thinking they would kill you? Give us insight into that.

Nada Lla:

Because everyone from the Muslim religion, if you convert to any religion or another religion, especially Christianity, he will be killed because this is a commitment in the Quran even in the Hadeed.


So how old were you at this point? When you were thinking, now you are a follower of Jesus and you might be killed for it. How old were you? Almost 15 years old. So now you are 15 years old and you have the reality that you might be killed because now you are a follower of Jesus. So what did your family do when they found out you are now the follower of Jesus?

Nada Lla:

Because I was sharing the house with my relatives. They asked me after a few months, Nada Lla where you go every Wednesday, evening, and Sunday morning, you back at 3:00 PM and Sunday, and you feel happy. You feel you have a loss of happiness and joy in your life and you didn't eat with us. And you just go to your room and you reading something. We don't know what you're doing. I told them because the Lord changed me. And they said, okay, Allah change everyone. After a few months, they asked me, Nada Lla are you Christian? They just asked me by joking. Are you Christian? Do you go to church? I told him, yes, I'm a Christian. And they called my father. They said, your son is going to the church and is different for few months. What we will do? And my father, he said his blood is free you can kill him or anyone from Arabic groups or our Islamic nation. He killed him. His blood is free.


So his blood is free. Kill him. That means your father just told them to kill you. And they would not be guilty of a sin if they killed you because you are no longer a Muslim.

Nada Lla:

Yeah. They're going to win paradise. If they come me.


They kill you, they go to paradise as an act of obedience to Allah. Wow! So what did they do? Did they kill you? Obviously not, but tell me what did they do?

Nada Lla:

When I heard this conversation through the point I was in the washroom, someone from my cousin, just gives me my permanent resident in Lebanon and my ID, and I just run away. And they trying to kill me until 2015, about 22 times. Even my older brother, called me because he thought he can come to Lebanon to kill me because my father sent him to come to kill me But there some political problems between the Syrian government and the Lebanese government. And they closed the border for three days and he didn't pass the borders. And he didn't come to Lebanon. He back home and he called me, listen, I didn't cross the border now, but I will come next time. and I will kill you. And I told him, listen, my brother, I love you because you are my brother. You want to kill me to win paradise but I advise you to come to learn about Jesus Christ because He's the only one. He will give you eternal life. He says, man, why you just make yourself an actor and you didn't speak with me the bad words you used to speak. I said, my brother, the Lord, He said everything. You think you want to speak, speak in peace and grace and I will not speak the bad words I spoke before, but I advise you to learn about Jesus Christ. And he said, listen, I will come to kill you. I said I have no problem. And this time I say that a hundred percent from my heart. If someone is gonna kill me, I have no problem. But after a few days, my brother called me. He said, listen, are you just joking with me? Or are you serious in not speaking that the bad word you don't before I told him, my brother, because the Lord changed me? He changed my heart, my tongue, my life, even my future. And he knows my future. He changed my tongue and change the words in my tongue. And he said, okay, let me know about this. Small, do you change you? And he will start a new conversation with my brother about the gospel.


Wow! Okay, so let's unpack some of that for us. So, you said about 22 times, they tried to kill you. How long of a period was that? So that started around age 15. And how long did that last? T.

Nada Lla:

This is about seven to eight years. Every day I lived in my life in this day. I've been in risk life in Lebanon until the Lord opened the door and I came to North America.


Okay, so for about seven to eight years, people were trying to kill you. And part of that was your own brother. Since people didn't succeed, God protected you. But I know you were stabbed. You were beaten. So you didn't escape injury fully, but you survived. God protected your life, but then your brother, he was not able to come to Lebanon to actually kill you. But now you have Gospel conversations with him. And then he eventually believes in accepts Jesus Christ himself. So instead of killing you, God used you to save his soul.

Nada Lla:

Yeah, for the first time I feel I have a brother and we can have a relationship. First. He is my brother from my father and my mother and second, he's my spiritual brother. And after six months we were talking about the Gospel, he accepts the Lord, Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior Even he is a Sharia Law student. And he said I cannot break the Islamic prayer. I cannot read the Islamic book. Like Jesus Christ. He came and He lives in my heart in my mind. And what should I do? And after that, we pray together and he gives his life to the Lord. But this is not so long about six to seven months he just went home with the Lord because my father, he knows he's a Christian and, and he just killed him.


Wow! Wow! So when your father found out that your brother accepted Jesus, he was in the same household, still with your father. So your father shot and killed him. Wow. How did that make you feel when you realized that even though you helped lead your brother to Jesus, now he was murdered and killed. How did that make you feel?

Nada Lla:

Honestly, as human nature, I feel like I'm sad. I didn't feel I'm happy. I do not remember. I feel like I'm happy just because my brother in Heaven for sure I'm happy now because my brother in heaven and he got saved and he's with the Lord one day we will meet him. But as human nature, I, I start like crying. And I'm asking, why Lord did you do that because we had many plans to share the gospel in our area. But after a few days, I realized the Lord, He has a plan and He knows the plan and my brother's life. And He knows the plan for my life. Even He made my brother a witness in his area because he said, there's just one Lord. He said, love your enemy. It is the Lord. Jesus Christ.


Wow! Amen, Praise God, Amen. All right. So now for you let's count the costs. You gave up your family to follow Jesus. You gave up wealth, you gave up power, you gave up the party life, but you also gave up the life of having multiple wives, like your father, and a life of luxury and lots of abundance material abundance. So as a Christian, now that you've given all that up, how does Jesus make you feel? I mean, was it worth it?

Nada Lla:

You know, this is a question I've been like, when I came to Jesus, many people, ask me how much the Christian give you our money or make you rich. I told them they open just a bank account for me in the bank of heaven. They didn't understand that. But for me, I'm not looking for the money, came from my family or my father, but I believe that peace in my heart. I believe that the great peace the Lord gives me every day. The hope of the Lord gives me every day. The change in the, in the greater relationship with God, because before I didn't have this relationship, I love to work. I love to work in restaurants or other places, but at the same time, I'm happy. I have a Christian family. I have my small family me and my wife and I have people. I call them brother and sisters and they love me. And we pray together and we go to church and we doing all the Christian life. I didn't have that before I came from this rich life in my family, but this is didn't give me peace. They didn't give me joy. They didn't give me happiness but when I'm with the Lord, Jesus, I leave all these things. But He gave me the real happiness, the real joy.


Wow! You give up all of that to become a persecuted follower of Jesus. But you were counting on that eternal salvation on that eternal treasure that is worth it all. Thank you for sharing that. I don't want us to miss that. it all started with you hearing accidentally second-hand from someone else about the gospel and how you should not talk with that guy because he was sharing the gospel. And God started you on that journey with that, that also included voices visions. But, those are extraordinary things, but let's not miss the fact that it was through a relationship with someone who led you to read the Bible that you encounter the Bible. And that it was someone who risked things cause it was risky for them to share that Armenian man, it was risky for him. His life was in danger for sharing that gospel. Even the people who are interacted with you in Lebanon and discipled you and baptized you were all at risk for doing that. So it was the love of Christ shining through them. That was part of all of that. Wow! What an amazing testimony Nada Lla! I can't wait for our next podcast together because we're going to talk about what happened next. And it is truly amazing and challenging, and it will be great for the listener to hear about that story. But I'll give a little bit of a teaser on that. So you and I, we met, you were 19 years old and God drew us together. I could see there was something about you. And then during that period of time, since then, as the Lord used you in this service before you came to North America, despite all the attempts on your life, tell us a summary, how many churches were you part of planting in the Middle East and approximately how many Muslims came to faith in Jesus Christ as the Lord used you to do that.

Nada Lla:

The Lord used me to start eleven churchhouses. Churches in Lebanon, even three Gospel Centers. And I remember about 700 people who came to faith. They convert from Islam to Christianity. Even more than that. Now I hear some families sharing with me, they're like a son or daughter or the wife shared with me, her husband. He came to faith. I'm not counting after that, but I know the Lord, He brings more than 700 people to Him through me. Not because I'm smart or I have a more just because I'm sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.


Wow! praise God. Amen! I want to go back to the beginning. And that is, this Syria was a Christian nation long ago. Now it is a nation that's an Islamic nation and it is hostile to the Gospel and the things that happened, there should be a warning to us that that decline starts because Christians drift away from sharing the Gospel with non-Christians. And you've lived that. You've seen the impact of that in Syria seeing the impact of that in Lebanon. But you've also seen the impact of what happens when one person like that, an Armenian guy, even though he never met you, his Gospel sharing. God used that to trigger you on a journey that has impacted hundreds of lives. Praise God, thank you Nada Lla. I can't wait until the listeners hear the rest of the story after that and how God used you in a mighty way. Nada Lla any last thoughts to our listener before we sign off today?

Nada Lla:

I want to encourage everyone who's a Christian. Share the Gospel! Share you are a follower of Jesus Christ. Everywhere you go, because someone he going to hear you. Like, I didn't know that Armenian guy till now. I didn't have that relationship with him but he shared the Gospel of the Lord that changed my life through that. And the Lord use me to share the Gospel and He changed many people and He saved many people. I encourage you to share the Gospel with anyone, share you are the follower of Jesus Christ. The Lord changed your life. Share that don't be scared. Don't feel ashamed to share that. Share that and pray with everyone in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.


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